You probably have faced this situation all through your student life: It is the night before an important exam and you have a mammoth of a syllabus yet to cover. You start to give up on the fact that you will ever be able to get a degree to start yours in professional life. Does that recall anything? Apart from exam preparation, a strong memory plays a vital role in enhancing a number of academic and non-academic skills. In fact, a good memory is what differentiates a skilled person from a dummy.
The fact that there is no alternative to working hard cannot be denied. But in a situation where you are stuck between unnerving stress and an exam the other morning, a few study hacks may help you sail through the shore. Although it is not recommended to rely solely on these hacks and forgo studying the entire year, the following list of quick tips can help you in improving memory:

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Visual representation of anything is an effective way of learning that particular thing. Our brain captures images and memorizes them much faster than textual information. If you have to memorize a subject that may seem a little boring and draggy, try drawing diagrams for better understanding. This way you can learn them better. Besides, if you get short of ideas, make spider-web diagrams for brainstorming. Goes well for subjects like Biology, Literature, Chemistry, and Physics. Illustrations will help you declutter the subject matter from unnecessary information so that you can focus on what is important.
Read This Full Article: Simple Study Hacks for Improving Memory

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